[STANDALONE] BetterFight by SpecialStos - v1.1.8

BetterFight - Buy Now on Tebex

BetterFight is NOT encrypted.



  • Recoil System: This is a fully customizable system that you can chance all the values to all the guns of GTA through the config file. The recoil effects depend firstly also on what speed you are carrying. If you are running fast you will see a way harder recoil to control.
  • Component Recoil Multiplier: Compnent Recoil Multiplier pretty much allows you to change the recoil for each weapon while having a GRIP or SUPPRESSOR on your weapon. It is done through the config file.
  • Vehicle Recoil: This is pretty much the same thing with the recoil on foot, in this instance though you may change separately the recoil that the players will anticipate while being in a vehicle.
  • Recoil Exports: There are 3 recoil exports: Alter general recoil level, Alter specific weapon recoil level, and reset all gun recoil back to the config.
  • Custom Crosshair: You may have a custom crosshair which you can easily change through the html. This is mostly used to avoid the red dot abuse that is happening with the standard GTA crosshair. It looks cooler as well.
  • ViewCamForcer: This feature forces the player to stay in first person while using a weapon. This options is separated by vehicle and on foot. You can enable on both, personally i like only using the vehicle ViewCamForcer.
  • JumpSpamPrevention: Jump spam prevention simply doesn’t allow the person to spam the jump like they are olympic runners. There is a timer as well that you may set as much as you want. Default value is 2 seconds.
  • RollPrevention: This feature simply doesn’t allow the player to roll while shooting. Just looks spastic when people do.
  • Headshot Disabler: Headshot disabler just prevents getting headshotted. This only works on players and not bots! Would recommend if any RP server would want this as well.
  • Weapon Damages: You may change all the weapon damages of every single weapon through the config file. Default is that all melee weapons are x0.25. So they do 4 times less of damage.
  • Garbage Collector: This resource is also aimed to be optimized. Garbage collector is just there to collect all the garbage the script produces to the memory and cleans it up every 60 seconds.


  • AlterSpecificGunRecoil: With this export you may simply change a specific’s gun recoil to a player.
  • AlterGeneralGunRecoil: With this export you can change the values to all the weapons.
  • ResetAllGunRecoil: 0.01ms

Code examples:

1) exports['BetterFight']:AlterSpecificGunRecoil(`WEAPON_PISTOL`, 4.00) -- Alter a specific guns recoil. This is a multiplier, first value is the weapons hash and the second is the multiplier value.
2) exports['BetterFight']:AlterGeneralGunRecoil(0.5) -- Alter the general recoil system. Can get any value. This is a multiplier. So recoil now is recoil * 0.5.
3) exports['BetterFight']:ResetAllGunRecoil() -- Resets all guns recoils. This should be only used when you have used the 2 exports above and you want to reset all the data.



BetterFight optimization levels also depend on how many of the options are enabled. With all options enabled it will idle at 0.03ms and peak 0.06 if shooting:

  • Recoil System: 0.01-0.02 ms.
  • Custom Crosshair: 0.01-0.02ms
  • ViewCamForcer: 0.01ms
  • JumpSpamPrevention: 0.005ms
  • RollPrevention: 0.005ms
  • Headshot Disabler: 0.00ms
  • Weapon Damages: 0.00ms
  • Garbage Collector: 0.00ms

Dependencies and Compatibility:


Framework Dependencies
none (This can be standalone or work with ANY framework)

Sql Resource Dependencies


Resource Dependencies




OneSync Compatibility

Non-OneSync Compatibility


Config = {}

Config.LicenseKey = "" -- Add your license key here. This can be obtained ONLY by opening a ticket.
Config.PrintAuthorisationStatus = true -- This is just in case you want to remove the authorisation printing on the serverside console.
Config.CheckVersion =  true -- Enable/Disable version checker. Prints on serverside console.

Config.UseCustomCrosshair = true -- Turn on/off custom crosshair.
Config.RemoveCrosshairOnFirstPerson = false -- Turn on/off custom crosshair while On First Person. IGNORE if the above is set to FALSE.

Config.RemoveHeadshots = true -- Disable/Enable headshots only on players.

Config.JumpSpamPrevention = true -- Disable/Enable the jump spam prevention system. Pretty much if you spam the jump button it will make you fall down.
Config.JumpSpamPreventionTimer = 2000 -- Timer for the jump spam prevention system. This is in milliseconds. So 2000 is 2 seconds.

Config.RemovePistolWhipping = true

Config.RollPrevention = true -- Disable/Enable the roll prevention. Just doesn't allow players to roll while aiming. Yes, it is annoying in gta.

Config.UseViewCamForcer = false -- Turn on/off view cam forcer inside vehicles.
Config.ViewCamForcerStartTime = 200
Config.ViewCamForcerFinishTime = 0
Config.UseVehicleViewCamForcer = false -- Turn on/off view cam forcer inside vehicles.
Config.UseDisable3rdPersonShooting = false -- Force player to always be first person while having a gun out. IF YOU HAVE THIS ENABLED THEN IGNORE THE ABOVE ONES.

Config.UseCustomWeaponDamages = true -- Disable/Enable custom weapon damages.

Config.UseRecoil = true -- Turn on/off recoil.
Config.RightLeftRecoil = true -- Turn on/off right left movement recoil.
Config.RightLeftRecoilRandomiser = true --If this is set to true then the recoil inside a vehicle will not trigger all the time. The value below will set the chance if true.
Config.RightLeftRecoilRandomiserChance = 50 --This is a percentage out of 100. The higher it is, the higher the chance of recoil kicking inside a vehicle.

Config.GripMultiplier =  true
Config.SuppressorMultiplier = true

Config.LoweredFirstPersonRecoil = true -- Turn on/off lowered recoil while being in first person mode..
Config.LoweredFirstPersonRecoilValue = 0.7 -- Value for lowered recoil. It is actually the recoil * the value. So the lower the value is here the lowered it will be in first person.

Config.Weapons= {

    --You can change the values down here, feel free to also comment any weapons you don't want and add any weapons you do want. Only throwables are missing from this list.

    [1] = { hash = `WEAPON_PISTOL`, recoil = 1.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 0.20},
    [2] = { hash = `WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2`, recoil = 1.55, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [3] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL`, recoil = 1.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [4] = { hash = `WEAPON_APPISTOL`, recoil = 1.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [5] = { hash = `WEAPON_STUNGUN`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [6] = { hash = `WEAPON_PISTOL50`, recoil = 4.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [7] = { hash = `WEAPON_SNSPISTOL`, recoil = 1.30, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [8] = { hash = `WEAPON_SNSPISTOL_MK2`, recoil = 1.30, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [9] = { hash = `WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL`, recoil = 2.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [10] = { hash = `WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL`, recoil = 1.30, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [11] = { hash = `WEAPON_FLAREGUN`, recoil = 3.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [12] = { hash = `WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [13] = { hash = `WEAPON_REVOLVER`, recoil = 6.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [14] = { hash = `WEAPON_REVOLVER_MK2`, recoil = 6.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [15] = { hash = `WEAPON_DOUBLEACTION`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [16] = { hash = `WEAPON_RAYPISTOL`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [17] = { hash = `WEAPON_CERAMICPISTOL`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [18] = { hash = `WEAPON_NAVYREVOLVER`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [19] = { hash = `WEAPON_GADGETPISTOL`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},

    --Submachine Guns--
    [20] = { hash = `WEAPON_MICROSMG`, recoil = 2.20, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [21] = { hash = `WEAPON_SMG`, recoil = 1.90, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [22] = { hash = `WEAPON_SMG_MK2`, recoil = 1.90, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [23] = { hash = `WEAPON_ASSAULTMG`, recoil = 2.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [24] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMBATPDW`, recoil = 2.20, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [25] = { hash = `WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL`, recoil = 2.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [26] = { hash = `WEAPON_MINISMG`, recoil = 1.70, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [27] = { hash = `WEAPON_RAYCARBINE`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    --Submachine Guns--

    [28] = { hash = `WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN`, recoil = 3.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [29] = { hash = `WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN_MK2`, recoil = 3.50, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [30] = { hash = `WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN`, recoil = 4.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [31] = { hash = `WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN`, recoil = 6.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [32] = { hash = `WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN`, recoil = 4.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [33] = { hash = `WEAPON_MUSKET`, recoil = 6.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [34] = { hash = `WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN`, recoil = 6.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [35] = { hash = `WEAPON_DBSHOTGUN`, recoil = 5.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [36] = { hash = `WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [37] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMBATSHOTGUN`, recoil = 4.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},

    --Assault Rifles--
    [38] = { hash = `WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE`, recoil = 1.97, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [39] = { hash = `WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2`, recoil = 2.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [40] = { hash = `WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE`, recoil = 1.90, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [41] = { hash = `WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE_MK2`, recoil = 2.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [42] = { hash = `WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE`, recoil = 1.93, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [43] = { hash = `WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE`, recoil = 1.95, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [44] = { hash = `WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE_MK2`, recoil = 2.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [45] = { hash = `WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE`, recoil = 1.90, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [46] = { hash = `WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE_MK2`, recoil = 1.95, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [47] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE`, recoil = 2.12, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [48] = { hash = `WEAPON_MILITARYRIFLE`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    --Assault Rifles--   

    --Light Machine Guns--
    [49] = { hash = `WEAPON_MG`, recoil = 1.80, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [50] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMBATMG`, recoil = 1.70, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [51] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMBATMG_MK2`, recoil = 1.70, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [52] = { hash = `WEAPON_GUSENBERG`, recoil = 1.80, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    --Light Machine Guns--

    --Sniper Rifles--
    [53] = { hash = `WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [54] = { hash = `WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [55] = { hash = `WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [56] = { hash = `WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [57] = { hash = `WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE_MK2`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    --Sniper Rifles--   

    --Heavy Weapons--
    [58] = { hash = `WEAPON_RPG`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [59] = { hash = `WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [60] = { hash = `WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_SMOKE`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [61] = { hash = `WEAPON_MINIGUN`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [62] = { hash = `WEAPON_FIREWORK`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [63] = { hash = `WEAPON_RAILGUN`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [64] = { hash = `WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [65] = { hash = `WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    [66] = { hash = `WEAPON_RAYMINIGUN`, recoil = 1.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},
    --Heavy Weapons--      

    [70] = { hash = `WEAPON_UNARMED`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [71] = { hash = `WEAPON_DAGGER`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [72] = { hash = `WEAPON_BAT`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [73] = { hash = `WEAPON_BOTTLE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [74] = { hash = `WEAPON_CROWBAR`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [75] = { hash = `WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [76] = { hash = `WEAPON_GOLFCLUB`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [77] = { hash = `WEAPON_HAMMER`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [78] = { hash = `WEAPON_HATCHET`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [79] = { hash = `WEAPON_KNUCKLE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [80] = { hash = `WEAPON_KNIFE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [81] = { hash = `WEAPON_MACHETE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [82] = { hash = `WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [83] = { hash = `WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [84] = { hash = `WEAPON_WRENCH`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [85] = { hash = `WEAPON_BATTLEAXE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [86] = { hash = `WEAPON_POOLCUE`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},
    [87] = { hash = `WEAPON_STONE_HATCHET`, recoil = 0.00, vehicleRecoil = 0.00, gripMultiplier = 0.00, suppressorMultiplier = 0.00, damageMultiplier = 0.25},

    [88] = { hash = `WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG`, recoil = 2.00, rightLeftRecoil = 1.00, vehicleRecoil = 1.10, gripMultiplier = 0.80, suppressorMultiplier = 0.72, damageMultiplier = 1.00},




  • A bit of optimization has been done.
  • Added adjustable vehicle recoil. This can be changed through the config on every weapon.
  • ViewCamForcer has been improved. It now puts you back to your old camera after you remove you stop aiming down sights.
  • Added also a RIGHT/LEFT recoil only inside the vehicle. You can customise that from the 2 new Config values (Config.VehicleRecoilRandomiser, Config.VehicleRecoilRandomiserChance)


  • Fixed disable crosshair. Forgot to add 1 small value before.
  • Completely fixed vehicle ViewCamForcer. Should work like a charm now.
  • Added Multipliers for weapon components. You may now add custom multipliers for each weapon depending on 2 components (Grip, Suppressor).


  • Hotfix on headshot disabler. Was trying to optimize it and i added a wrong native check. Used PlayerID() rather than GetPlayerPed(-1), so fixed now.


  • Added vertical recoil
  • Some minor bugfixes.


  • Fixed nil values with vertical recoil on throwables. (Recoil)
  • Fixed server not authorizing if it is a slow server or too many scripts. (Authorization)
  • Added a new functionality. Config.UseDisable3rdPersonShooting. – Force player to always be first person while having a gun out. Endorses first person fighting only.


Updated and reworked authorization system. Pretty much an optimize.


Removed authorization system. This resource is no longer encrypted.

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Removed discord, please review releases rules

is this script obfuscated?

Thanks for the notice. Will go through them, thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, this script is obfuscated. But all the changes you will need are added inside the config file. You may have a look into it.

If you wanna get the code then everything in this is posted on the forums individually, you would just need to compile it together as done here.

Can you showcase how recoild behaves when shooting from inside a vehicle?

This is not taking other’s code at all on the recoil, crosshair, viewcamforcer and jump prevention (These features have been coded on my end for my server a few months ago). As for the rest yes you can go find them through the FiveM forums.

Yes sure, i’ll post a video in a bit.

Here’s a video showcasing recoil inside a vehicle: BetterFight - Inside Vehicle - YouTube

As you can see recoil depends also on the speed you are carrying with you. If your running it is going to have more recoil, sames goes with vehicles.

Nice. But I’d never buy encrypted stuff.


You’re not the only one, Why would someone pay money for an encrypted script, what exactly are they selling when it’s encrypted, we can’t change anything to our likings, so why even bother selling it is what I think about this whole encrypting thing, i’ve bought scripts here that aren’t encrypted and will continue doing so :slight_smile:

rip those who encrypt their scripts lol


Yeah, i understand what you mean. Well there is a reason at the end on why people do encrypt stuff. Most probably private things getting leaked out and then claimed by others. Will see might one day make this not encrypted but as for now it is what it is and i try my best to give as many options possible throughout the hefty config since all the values are being given in there.

As for future updates, i’ll need to add an inside vehicle custom recoil value and then what else the peeps recommend.

Make a feature, so you cant hit each other in the head with gun on accident.(When you are shooting too close to another player)

Do you mean the animation where you melee another player who is close to you? Or shooting in general from a very close distance?

Recoil, view force and jump are all on the forums and for free, just saying.

No Offense to your hard work. But what is the difference of this script with plenty of similar concepts on the forum that are “Free” ! im not sayin that you stole their code or whatever. they are just similar. Changing the Weapons damages is just using 1 native
Shaking the Players camera while shooting is also another simple thing!
overall i don’t think this script worth paying for, no offense to the scripter. and the fact that a simple script like this is Obfuscated and Encrypted , Probably ip locked is also another downside for it.
only unique feature that im seeing right here is the Custom crosshair that is also in the forum if you search for it ( i dont remember the exact topic to link )
if i wasn’t busy with my current projects i would release something like this for free… ( already have the half of it ready :smiley: )

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As the one above me said, you can easily edit the dmg of the weapons and the recoil seems to me very familiar to the one no-pixel dump has on the internet.
( I have tested their recoil system and your video and both looks like the same to me.)
I don’t wanna ruin whatsoever but saying my opinion.

Hey there, i totally do agree that this resource on the way i’ve documented it seems like is just a stolen piece of code that has been put together from 5 different scripts. The recoil system itself isn’t a shake, it pretty much changes Height/Right/Left of your camera depending also on what gun you are using (You change the values through a config), the speed you are going and vehicle recoil is also separated through the config for each weapon.

I do agree that weapondamages is just 1 native but you know, at the end of the day my idea is if i am going to release a resource that is meant to be a PLUG-AND-PLAY i need to have even if it is just 3 lines of code.

I will be re-releasing a new in-depth video explaining completely how this resource works as i do believe right out of the box, without having it. Seems just simple.

Thanks for the comments though, like your criticism :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a nice day!


Yes, the NoPixel’s resource does work in a similar way as we do use the same natives. I was inspired to do a similar by that as i was watching a livestream from a famous Twitch Streamer and just loved the way the recoil worked. Not an explosion that shakes your screen but an actual recoil that moves up and right/left your mouse.

This resource was taken straight from my open server that we have for many people, and just edited to have the ease of hefty configs.

Natives used are: SetGameplayCamRelativeHeading(value), SetGameplayCamRelativePitch(value,value2)