SpotiFive revamped - a new approach to an old concept

thanks for the progress, I’ll share new info as I get it, be later tonight before I try it out. you rock!!

The interface does not appear, even though the account is already linked and I don’t see any errors in the client or server console

I have the latest version:
[spotifive] [15:40:06]: You are running the latest version of SpotiFive. Remember to report bugs and issues!

strange. you are listening to spotify currently too?

No, it is closed on all devices. If you want I will make you a clip and send it to you, to see if you see something I do wrong

it wont show up if it isnt running, because of the way that spotify handles it sometimes. if its “stale” for too long, spotify returns a 204 with no content.

It works perfectly. My fault, I thought that the script was independent of the app and allowed to control the music playback.

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ah, control may be planned, but it would be a premium only feature as thats how spotify has their API. and youd still need the app running

what does premium only mean, you mean a premium spotify account or a premium version of SpotiFive?

spotify premium. ill never release anything paid of my own. at least i dont plan on

that’s cool. Sorry if that came out abrasive or anything like that. Our players are going to go crazy over this!

Edit the javascript

Looks Amazing thanks for the release. I remember you so many unique scripts you have thanks for all of them

Hi there, i have installed spotifive to my server and it successfully pairs however when i do /spotifiveui nothing happens… I have my spotify open and have a premium account.

the current command is /spotifiveui toggle. doing /spotifiveui alone doesnt do anything.


Good job!

other players will also hear it in car?

nope not yet

What did you have to do?


* Split spotify and spotifive configs up into persistent.js and config.js
+ Add /spotifive move command, allows to move position of the UI and saves! Use move reset to reset the location.
* Hide album art whem pausemenu is active
* Moved all /spotifiveui commands into /spotifive command - no more mixed commands

/spotifive is now the only command that is present. it now has all the things that /spotifiveui used to. e.g. /spotifiveui toggle is now /spotifive toggle

New /spotifive move command

takes an x and y position (between 0.0 and 1.0) to move the position of the ui e.g.:
/spotifive move 0.5 0.5 will center the UI
you can also do /spotifive move reset which will set the position back to the bottom center like it usually is. This command also persists, so joining back/a different server, the position will be in the same place

oops. just realised i pushed it with a drawrect black screen. - fixed it now