Spawnpoint wont change - i spawn underground

Hey, ive been trying to change my spawnpoint every time a player logs in to the server with a already existing character… I’ve made sure EVERY .map lua has the same spawnpoint, but it still spawns me here

Im running jsfour-register which has it owns spawnpoints and ive made sure the only spawnpoints is where i want it to be (at the motel)

Here is how my .map lua files are configurated

What am i doing wrong here? Thanks guys… Please, i would really love some help here <3

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Anyone please? :frowning:

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did you end up fixing this issue ?

its happening to me

Are you running something like kashkaracters? seems to me like another script is potentially running a different spawn point… Or those spawn points provided are incorrect to where you wanted them

im running kashkaracters i put in a script where it saves my lost x y z where i last logged out at but it keep spawning me underground

Does it have a H axis? If it does set it higher to see if it will spawn you above ground otherwise it may be confliction with other scripts