Some Servers are HORRIBLE!

Im new to this RP, trying to get some help by asking and by reading the Rules or /help but some servers they dont even have “help” in that section. then when you ask for help via chat or voice you get totally ignored. like damn bruh, im trying to play on your server and you act like you cant help a brother out? EASY QUESTIONS?

its very frustrating, then some servers just dont work well, crashing here and there, then when u call for a medic or whatever, NOTHING happens. but they on blast talkin in the chat or “T” area. chatting away like if you dont exisit. like come on man…

if i had my own server and the time to create my server, i would not be rude or a little “s** head” and whats up wit this connection to server , in queue when there are only 6 /32 players i still gotta wait in line? lmaao… man…

theres like a handful of good servers out there. i give them props for good stable server, good communication , good RP, and good menus. the other servers needs to be shut down. annoyin as ever to me…

I dont kno who , if or what monitors them BAD servers. they just a waste of space and act like them “clickbaits” with some good title, good ping, etc and i be like “damn sounds good leme join”. BAM trassssh!

ok done ranting.


That alone is a good reason to go a whitelisted server


Don’t play roleplay servers. Play a real good servers!


My suggestion is to watch some gameplay videos or “review” of any kind. That’s how I came to FiveM in the first place. I’ve watched a lot of DOJ videos and even though I didn’t like it’s exact execution, I saw giant potential in what I’ve always wanted to play. Needless to say, I couldn’t find the server that would have checked all my needs, so that’s why I came up with my own. So far, so good.

But saying “ban them all” is just non sense. Only from great competition can arise great product.

Good luck with looking for your dreamed one!

Sort the server list by player count. Weeds out most of the bad public servers

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Try to stick away from the “Anyone can be Cop” servers, or the “Friendly Role-play” servers. They usually are the complete ass and totally unfair communities full of dicks.

In the end every Community should help and standout to all Visitors, and clearly in your situation you just had some common assholes…

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Bad servers will exist as long as people continue to support them. There are good servers out there, but you need to find them.

Some people think starting a new server is the solution. It is not. Find a good server, and support it, and help it grow.

That’s the only way the community can get better.

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