Some interrogation and problem (NUI, and script loading/refresh system)

Hello everyone !

I am currently learning development in LUA on FiveM. I started a week ago and I confess I’m a bit dumped. IRL I’m dev iOS (swift) I master the C and C ++ so I understand more or less what happens but if I’m not of all accustomed to script languages!

I work on an essential basis + esx

1 - I definitely do not understand the script reloading system, from time to time a restart works perfectly, sometimes, oblige to disconnect and reconnect for the changes to be visible and there the problem that I am currently facing is’ Is that I am forced to deco, remove the cache from my server, turn it off and restart and I see the changes. This is absolutely unbearable for dev especially when I struggle to line 5 line without all crashing and its really slows down my learning.

2 - Misunderstanding on the NUI system. I’m trying to make a simple system that allows police to search a license plate / criminal record of a player via a basic esx menu, I create my menu without worries, but once you get to the cursor + focus on a I block ; Can not move my cursor despite the implementation of JS functions ($ .document (‘move’) … updateCursor ect …) Yet I rely on esx_phone which works very well and I can not manage Move this cursor!

For the second question, I would very much like a nice person to offer me a voice interview so that we can discuss this, I would know how to be indebted to you!

I confess that I write this message after a BIG white night for which I once again reset my server and delete all that I had (This is my way of solving problems: p). I hope you know how to help me because I know that therme I will get there (which I would not sleep any more: stuck_out_tongue:!)

Thank you in advance for your answers!

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