Snow natives not working

For some reason I can’t get the natives “SetSnowLevel” and " SetSnowCoverageType" to work. Any ideas?
I keep getting “attempt to call a nil value”

my bad, use invokeNatives
They have been recently renamed and Redm has not been updated to support these renames :slight_smile:

don’t??? use N_0x stuff

I’m not getting an error now when I use N_0x, but I can’t seem to figure out all the inputs SetSnowCoverageType wants. Integers seem to work but I can’t figure out which integer goes with what snow coverage type.

Citizen.InvokeNative(0xF6BEE7E80EC5CA40, -1) -- Turns snow on (-1) or off (1) during Snow, Snowlight, Whiteout, Blizzard or Ground Blizzard
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xF02A9C330BBFC5C7, 2) -- Sets the coverage of snow on the ground 1 or 2