Small community looking for Department Heads (LEO, Civilian and Fire/EMS)

Small FiveM Community Looking for Department heads

Hello I am looking for some experienced individuals who would be able to help me get my community up and running. I am currently looking for LEO department heads along with a team to assist with civilian operations. We do currently have a HOD for Fire & EMS but would definitely love some additional people to make up the command team!

We currently do have a fully functional server and small group of individuals already. So we’re not exactly starting from scratch, though we’d love to have some fresh faces and new ideas to help launch our community. If you have knowledge/experience with server development that’d certainly be a welcomed asset.

Positions were Looking to fill:

  • LEO HOD x3
  • Civilian Ops HODx1
  • Fire/EMS Command member
  • Server Developer

Please note in all departments we are also looking for support command members as well

Things that were looking for in a potential candidate:

  • Team Players
  • Previous Department Command or administrative experience
  • The ability to commit significant time to the community
  • Be 15 years of age or older

If you are interested in helping me out please reach out to me on discord Screw4DarthVader#8904


Samsung fridge#9915

added on discord

As a fond American LEO RPer, I can say with confidence that the transition from American to Canadian LEO RP was next to nothing!

Would highly recommend!