Since Artifact update Server crashes! Please help

To receive support, please fill out the following template, and remove this top text.

**GTA V version?N/A
**Up to date?Yes Latest Artifact
**Legit or Pirate copy?From
**Steam/CD/Social Club?Yes
**Windows version?Server 2012 R2 (up to date!)
**Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?Yes
Error screenshot (if any)
**System specificationsXeon E5620 (8 Core 16 Thread), 104 GB DDR3, SSD, RAID 5
**What did you do to get this issue?Updated to the latest Sever Artifacts
**What server did you get this issue on?a few days agoā€¦ I had to revert back to a old version of the artifacts to get he server workingā€¦
**CitizenFX.log fileN/A
*.dmp files/report IDs00aa7f9a-7b56-4d49-aeae-939d9c2af789.dmp (523.2 KB)
facd0203-4a38-4efa-99cd-925f9c5da1c3.dmp (381.2 KB)

If an issue with starting:
GTA V folder screenshot
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot
**Filepath to FiveM folderC:\NewFXServer\FXServer2
FiveM client folder screenshot
**Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus?Yes

Also add what you already tried so far.

Since updating to the latest Artifact the server crashes, I tried some earlier ones and still the same issueā€¦

I went back to the one I was on when working and it was 100% fine! but I dont want to be runing a out dated versionā€¦

What I found is any car that is a ā€œreplaceā€ 100% crashes itā€¦ and a few custom edits to building I made via custom ytd,ytf etcā€¦

I had to removed around 50 resources to get it working! I went through all 300+ resources starting them one by one for 3 hoursā€¦ is there something in the FiveM artifacts that it stopping custom replaced cars or changes to ingame buildings?


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Which artifact version you reverted to?
Iā€™m getting the same issue.

Maybe instead of going ā€˜getting same issue!!! downgrade!!!ā€™ provide an actual repro, since ā€˜replace carsā€™ and whatever else still work fine.

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