SimpleChatClear - clear chat with controls


what does this resource?

  • gives the possibility to clear the chat client sided
  • gives the possibility to clear the chat server sided (only with permissions)

how does it work?
If you leave seamly everything on default you can clear the chat with left alt + Q,
You will not be able to use the server side clear, if you have not setted up the permissions for this. (Also make sure to activate it in the config.lua)

Why should I install this?
Well, if you want to open the chat and then type in /clearchat then you don’t need it, this is something for lazy people (me) that I want to share with another lazy people and if they like it, they propable will get another lazy kids that will download this too.

how do I get started?
head to:

download it and then do everything, what is written in the README.

as you can see in the Readme it is compatible with Mythic Notify!
if you want to use it download it here
if you got questions to the notifications you will propably ask in the original topic or directly to @Alzar , he made a very good job there.

how do I setup the permissions to use the server side clear?

open admins.cfg and insert under ‘add user here’ youre hexID like this:

add_principal identifier.steam:YOURHEXID group.ServerChatClear

how can I get my HEXID then?
open your steam and copy the url of your steam profile.
you will have something like this:
or something like this:

if you have 2 then head to
and insert there the link you’ve got. Then press on lookup.

if you have done everything right, you will see a steamID64, copy it.

if you have link 1 or you have done the steps for link 2 then go to

paste on the left side the number you got and press on convert.
if you have done it right, you should have something like this:

this is your HEXID.

I hope you like what you see, and now have a nice day! take a :hamburger: or if it’s to hot for you, you can take a :ice_cream: but never forget the :mascot: !

have a nice day!


:fire: this is nice :fire:

there is no way, that you have read this in 1 minute …

so no pictures?

Wait I read it properly. My bad. haha

1 Like

well, it only clears the chat? but I can make a screenshot of a empty chat if you want?

I love this guy :joy::joy:

Great release but please see Releases Rules and F.A.Q

That mentions using deprecated methods is not allowed in your release, please change your deprecated chatmessage events to the new chat:addMessage event (see docs) and we will list it again

Update v. 1.1

  • added the possibility to use the hb_notifications system for the global clear messages
  • added messages for every chat clear

download here

have a nice day! :smiley: :hamburger:

hey man, I have set up my permissions, but how do i actually us the resource? whats the chat command???

A bit of looking through the code and you will find it, i believe its alt + s if i remember

what is the command to type?