Simple qb-inventory redesign

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This is a simple inventory redesign made for QB-INVENTORY
this is our first release! :slight_smile:
srt-inv.rar (3.4 MB)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based /No
Requirements QBCore

Great release!

Please add a direct download link

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what a nice color scheme love it

Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a direct download and may not be Escrow protected, you may include a Tebex link but it may not be the only download

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added! :slight_smile:

dont work this

what error are you getting exactly?

so when i add this qb-inventory it wont let me load in my server but when i add my old qb-inventory it will let me load in

U dont have an export like that in your qb core

Smuks arcane inv xddd

nah tu atbildi uz postu kas bija taisits gadu atpakal

This is very cool im going to use this for my server :slight_smile:

will just edit the css file to a different colour!