Show what resource is trying to access an invalid export

Currently there’s an error message that shows if there’s an invalid export being fired. However the message is missing some very important information like which resource (and maybe at which line?) is firing this export.

The current error message is:

And the error message should be something like
SCRIPT ERROR: CITsave/server.lua:520: is trying to call an export at citgroups (getPlayerGroup) but no such export in this resource.

so CITsave represents the resource that called exports.citgroups:getPlayerGroup(…) and server.lua is the file, 520 is the line.

You could just as easily find said exports through any text editor, if you run a search for that ofcourse.

What about those who have more than 130 resources with at least one lua file in them? Do you really think it’s simple?

Yes, it is that simple if you do a full search with text editor (Sublime or Visual Studio Code).

Or visual Studio code, or Notepad++, or notepad, or atom.
and yes @HassoNFTW it is, that simple indeed.

That requires opening all files first, now since that every file is in a separated folder (resource) how do you open them all at once?

Through your Text Editor, you can “open a folder” and then do a search.