SetVehicleHandlingFloat doesn't apply some values to the vehicle

Hello everyone, I have come across some kind of error while trying to change the handling of a vehicle ingame.
By using SetVehicleHandlingFloat(veh, “CHandlingData”, ‘fInitialDriveForce’, 1.4), the expected outcome is the vehicle to accelerate much faster, however the value seems to remain the same visually.
GetVehicleHandlingFloat(veh, ‘CHandlingData’, ‘fInitialDriveForce’) will simply print out “1.4” but the real fInitialDriveForce isn’t “1.4”.
I am getting the vehicle with GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false).

Note: Some values don’t work (in this case ‘fInitialDriveForce’) but other values do, for example: ‘fMass’ does change the mass of the car.
Note2: SetHandlingFloat(“ADDER”, “CHandlingData”, “fInitialDriveForce”, 300.0) works by applying it and re-entering the car.

Thank you!

I didn’t mean to post this on the RedM section! I wanted it to be on the FiveM section.
Can a moderator move this?

Thanks once again.