SetFlyThroughWindscreenParams and SetPedConfigFlag not working properly for driver of the vehicle

Client (production/canary) and FXServer version
Client production, FXServer 3539 with sv_enforceGameBuild 2189

setr game_enableFlyThroughWindscreen true

In script:
SetFlyThroughWindscreenParams(15.6464, 2.2352, 0.0, 0.0)
SetPedConfigFlag(PlayerPedId(), 32, true)

Now everyone flies through the windscreen on the impact, as they should.
But when you set SetPedConfigFlag(PlayerPedId(), 32, false) just for the driver of the car, noone flies through it, even tho all other peds with config flag set to true should.

This is just the problem with the driver of the vehicle. When others have flag set to true and driver has it set to false, only driver flies through.

@Disquse This was your patch, IIRC?

Driver gives other passengers event if they should fly through window and that’s 100% intended, that’s how R* implemented this.
And I’m not sure if that easily can be changed without hurting the game.

UPD: I will look into this behavior and how this might be improved.


Would be really cool if there was any way to change that behaviour - since now we can not implement seatbelts properly using those natives :frowning: