Hello to everyone , last days we were trying to implement the native GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords on the server side.
This is our results so far , it seems to work fine , in case you find any bugs we would be happy to resolve them and update the post.
Our implementation:
GetRotationToDirection = function(rot)
rotZ = rot.z
rotX = rot.x
multXY = math.abs(math.cos(rotX))
v = {x = 0.0 , y = 0.0 , z = 0.0}
v.x = -math.sin(rotZ) * multXY
v.y = math.cos(rotZ) * multXY
v.z = math.sin(rotX)
v = vector3(v.x , v.y , v.z)
return v
-- Forward Relative Vector
GetRelativeForwardVector = function(rot)
return GetRotationToDirection(rot)
-- Right Relative Vector
GetRelativeRightVector = function(rot)
num = math.cos(rot.y)
v = {x = 0.0 , y = 0.0 , z = 0.0}
v.x = math.cos(-rot.z) * num
v.y = math.sin(rot.z) * num
v.z = math.sin(-rot.y)
v = vector3(v.x , v.y , v.z)
return v
-- Up Relative Vector
GetRelativeUpVector = function(forwardV, rightV)
v = {x = 0.0 , y = 0.0 , z = 0.0}
v.x = forwardV.y*rightV.z - forwardV.z*rightV.y
v.y = forwardV.z*rightV.x - forwardV.x*rightV.z
v.z = forwardV.x*rightV.y - forwardV.y*rightV.x
v = vector3(v.x , v.y , v.z)
return v
GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords = function(coords,offset,rot)
rightV = GetRelativeRightVector(rot)
forwardV= GetRelativeForwardVector(rot)
upV = GetRelativeUpVector(forwardV , rightV)
newV = vector3(
( forwardV.x * offset.x ) + ( rightV.x * offset.y ) + ( upV.x * offset.z),
( forwardV.y * offset.x ) + ( rightV.y * offset.y ) + ( upV.y * offset.z),
( forwardV.z * offset.x ) + ( rightV.z * offset.y ) + ( upV.z * offset.z)
finalV = coords + newV
return finalV;
How to use :
local rot = GetEntityRotation(Entity)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(Entity)
local offset = vector3(1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0)
local new_coords = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(coords , offset , rot)
Credits for some of the math : Get Offset From Entity Given World Coords (general calculation) - Documentation - GTAForums