Server-side custom siren sounds? (and how to convert normal scripts such as PLD to resources?)

How would I install custom siren sounds or any sounds in general on my server? Either resource way or through a “clan pack” I could give people to install, doesn’t matter.

Also, if I had a script such as Player Location Display, how would I convert that to a resource?

I must admit this interest me a lot too . I always wanted to put french sirens on my server but never found out how to make it possible .

If I recall correctly sounds cannot be done on the server yet. Anyway you need to remake pld. As the thing is closed source you can’t convert it. But it’s quite easy you can take a look at “base UI” it’s a topic in the forum.

Where is the best place to start coding for fivem? I know Java but Lua is a little different

The best learning experience for me was looking at the default resources a d already made things and modify them to see what happens and how it works.