Server redboxes me after a while

Everything is perfect when joining a server, however after a while (lets say 5 mins at the average) it just redboxes me and desynchronizes me from everyone else. It starts lagging shortly before this even though my connection is fine.

Perhaps the server’s connection isn’t ‘fine’?

I wouldn’t think so, since if that was the case, it wouldn’t affect just me, and the servers wouldn’t be filled up to the brim

Probably that’s the issue, then, and you’re just unlucky for being one of the people that gets disconnected? How are you so sure it affects ‘just you’?

I don’t think a server would spontaneously disconnect you if it was full, if it was full then you couldn’t join it anyway, that doesn’t make any sense.

Hello I have a problem when I join an RP server, 5-10 mins later I find myself alone (instanced) before the patch I never encounter this problem , anyone can help me ?

I tried everything like empty the cache, all uninstaller ect … nothing done, my session hard about 5 minutes before I found myself alone, and it’s following the fiveM update

Its started yesterday at 3pm and since impossible to do a games session without getting instanced after 5 mins…

when i’m in server and i don’t move and don’t talk
i’m not in instance
but if anyone of my friend talk in game or join me in the map
i get instanced

[ 177016] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/Advertise

When this is appear in the console i go in instance