Server doesn't stream mods

It worked before but now I don’t see my car mods, the server just doesn’t stream anything, even “fivem” module that was missing for me. Any fix ?

If im not putting it into the root folder of stream I won’t show up, the server just won’t let me download it.

ListenPort: 30120

    - mapmanager

    - fivem
    - chat
    - spawnmanager
    - fivem-map-skater
    - baseevents
    - mods

RconPassword: PLT123

Hostname: ^1P^2e^3l^4e^5g^6PLT ^2Server

Game: GTA5


ScriptDebug: true

DebugLog: true

Announce: true

# enjoy viiv
#    - ConfigURL:

# the following is an example for resource download offloading
#    all:
#        BaseURL:
#        UploadURL: ftp://citizen:city@localhost/

DisableAuth: true # Keep this off to avoid terminal bullshit
DisableScriptHook: false

Did you empty the cache?

edited your post with code tag.

- fivem
- chat
- spawnmanager
- fivem-map-skater
- baseevents
- mods
“-assets” <— Add, no ?

put the asi in your plugin folder in ur fiverreborn folder the server will only sstream a few mods but wont do asi and ddl.s