Server connection timed out after 15 seconds

When joining my own server, I’m getting a bug that I time out after I connect. Everything is fine up until it times out. It varies when it disconnects, my last attempt had me in for about a minute, able to change my skin right before it disconnected. It’s weird though, after I disconnect I can still hear my player moving and I can control him when I’m in the server list. I get the message “ошибка” (just threw error in google translate and got that, I assumed that’s what it meant. Anyway, that part is in Russian, then the message below it is just the typical “Server connection timed out after 15 seconds.” I have a green square in the top left the entire time, including on the screen that says I lost connection. I’m getting constant updates in my server log that I’m still in the server (the whole “Game\Gameserver.cs(781): Info: GameServer::ProcessIncomingPacket: Received a packet from an unknown source (my ip)”) Is the unknown source thing messing with me? I wasn’t sure if that was just a default message or if I had to like whitelist myself for my server.

I love what you guys are doing, I’ve wanted to have the experience with my friends that I had in GTA IV, where we would just screw around with mods for hours, but Rockstar decided to take that away from us. Hope I can get this cleared up and working. In the meantime, I’ll try out some other mods.

You got timed out, this means that the server, ‘forgot’ you were there. When it disconnects you you are still sending packets to the server which result in unknown packets because it doesn’t know you are there.

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Any tips on what I might be doing wrong or how to fix it?

I got this taken care of, someone messaged me and I was just being stupid. Instead of using my internal IP (like my desktop’s IP through my router) I was using my actual IP. Some games let you join with both, so I didn’t think anything of it. Thanks for the help though.


Can you help me, im having the same issue, How did you fix it ?


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