Server connection error on vps


I have just installed my server on my vps all the password are put, but when I start my server I have this error that happen but then I created the user “fivem” “password” how I Please do: /

Thank you in advance and your help
Sorry for my english i use google translations.

[FR] Bonjour, j’ai installer mon serveur sur mon vps avec tous les coordonees mysql ect mais quand je lance mon serveur j’ai cette erreur qui ne se produiser pas en local :confused: j’ai tous esseyer mais rien ne fait quelqu’un pourrer m’aider svp

merci d’avance

Hello, i think i see the problem.
go here
Then find your fivem user, look at what host its using.
It seems that your server is looking for so make sure the fivem user host is the same.

Thanks for your quick reply I made this and always the same error :confused: