how much slots can i add without OneSync? because in my server, when 64 slots are running, few hours later ambulance job not working… police job too… and crashes some times…
i known about one sync is in experimental… but no way to add some alternative? … or fix problems with one sync, or how can i update one sync? i need to download again fivem files?
Sounds like a problem with those resources, what exactly isn’t working?
Download latest server artifact
okey i would try to update one sync…
“Sounds like a problem with those resources, what exactly isn’t working?”
F6 Menu not working and not showing some users when coming to revive.
Did you change your loops to 255 ?
how i can do this?
im not sure if i changed this, i think not.
if i set 63 slots i prevent to do something script changes?
Nope setting 63 slots will not change it, so long it is 31 inside the scripts it will couse problems if you have more then 32 slots.
how to do this? wich code?
Where i change the loops please??? BUMP. 
Change the loops from 0,31 / 1, 32 to 0, 255(edited)
from GetPlayerPed(-1)
to PlayerPedId()
you have software where you can change in every text document.
in which files i need to make this change?
thanks for your answer
This brings up a good topic, has anyone actually tried to delete hardcap and just see what happens?
What has hardcap to do with this topic?
“hey cant we have 64 slots without onesync by deleting hardcap as onesync sucks because i didnt change my resources” probably
that’s not going to work for obvious reasons by the way
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Software is called grepWin!
Can u give a vrp example
Post a simple code after and before on loops 0,31 1,32 to 0,255
Look on google for agent ransak