Scripting I need help can you help me please

I think I know what I did I thought it built but it didn’t I must of clicked run instead or something lol

the problem what bhuild button do I press build solution or build example?

That does not matter.

what you mean? I get error

You have to fix your post-build command which copies the dll from the build folder to the resources folder

oh I think I got it now thanks for your help though

when I press z in server it does nothing

Its just a misspell: your file is called - but it has to be called - just delete the ‘dll’ ending in the build options. That will be added automatically

ok thanks grewat help

Do you know how I could make it so tht happens when someone enters session instead of pressing z?

its now working thankis

would this work or not

Does anyone know how I would do if player enters /freeze player id itt would make them set_player_controll == false

Just one more thing: Do yourself and everybody in this Forum a favor - If you are not sure if something works - try it. And if you come across something which you do not know how to do: Just research some stuff on your own and think of a solution yourself before asking.

I just did but cant find out how to do that like just want to know this one thing so I can experiment

nope definitely cant find anything on google about how to do if player enters something in the console it will do something

the console isn’t for using command , people using chat system for sending command.
otherwise if you prefere using a menu you can do it with html by NUI or with NativeUI (who provide you rdy-to-use menu)

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like I want to know the code for the chat thing then so if some one does /freeze something happens but not sure hoe to make the code for /freeze