
Was it disabled completely?? Before i could rename the asi but now it doesn’t work

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The way its looking now its it completely disabled because it was never supported in the first place

yes its disabled the .asi files still work but inside of plugins/scripts all that is now gone

@GanjaMonster So putting them inside the plugins is not going to work… Is there a way to keep them working somewhere else?

Not supported.


So, Instead of just saying its not supported “In which we all know by now” Can we get a explanation on why? Why and how it interferes with the game files? This is obviously something that people use and want… So Why are things that people want to have being shut down so fast? As well as this is supposed to be a community for development… But I see nothing that people want being implemented… I enjoy all this like everyone else… I just do not understand why this is becoming a pay for scripts and pay for working scripts community… As far as Im concerned this is supposed to be open source… But it is nowhere near that… And people collecting money for things like this is exactly why people worry about R* closing all this down… I know I sure as hell want that to happen ! And… If its so easy to stream all theses things that need dotnet to the server why isnt there posts about it?

Not trying so sound like a ass… Just trying to get an explanation and understand what is going on


locked this is pathetic! why lock mods from a modding server?!


the point of it is, that those mods cause crashes and it can be coded server side

Scripthookdotnet is not allowed the same reason OpenIV is not allowed, they can cause crashes or game instability which leaves too many unknowns when trying to provide support to a user.

Maybe because you aren’t supposed to use these? What’s so “pathetic” about it?