Hello everyone !
I’m looking for a dice roll script. Or an idea how to do it.
The objectif would be with a chatcommand like / rolldice make a dice roll in chatbox for near players
Sorry for my English, I am French!
Thank you
Hello everyone !
I’m looking for a dice roll script. Or an idea how to do it.
The objectif would be with a chatcommand like / rolldice make a dice roll in chatbox for near players
Sorry for my English, I am French!
Thank you
Simply use math.random(num)
to choose a random number then send a message in chat
also moved to #development:scripts
math.random(lower, upper)
creates a random number between lower
and upper
This should do the trick. But please use it to learn, not to just copy and paste and forget about it
RegisterCommand("rolldice", function()
num = math.random(1,6)
TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "Dice Gods", {255,0,0}, "You rolled a ^2"..num)
end, false)
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