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I Am Jaiden T. The Director Hope You Guys And Girls Like The Server

Can I be a modeler on the server? I have no experience but I’d like to start doing it from maps to cars to discord to props. I’d like to be it because of that it’s the type of job I want when growing up. But i think I’d also like to play on it. Is there an age limit? Please reply to this post both if I can or cant. Have a great day!

Yed Edvin_Lofgren you can definitely join the server, we can also do with a modeler, so join the server and dm (Knight Actual), that will be me,

Still looking for deparment heads, when you join the discord, check announcments.

Hello I have joined the server and I dont need to awnser but I just want you to know that I’m Magikarn I know you know me