[SALE] [PAID] Aquiver Roulette V2


Read it first

  • This resouce is fully standalone, not linked to any framework, so you will need to adjust some events to work with your server economy system.
  • The script is written in Typescript, but the event handlers which you need to edit are simple .lua files and the config files are just numbers and booleans, you will not have hard times with those.

Version 1.0 vs 2.0


  • The script is written in Typescript, many things are simplified and easier to manage (the winners and other things).
  • Missing Roulette sound effects are now added. (Ball popping, and others.)
  • We have a log system now when we are sitting at the table. (We know what bets were put in the round, and other things.)
  • More editable config. (Number multipliers, load default ipl, etc.)
  • We can hide the table bets now with key V.
  • Added big pile of chips after +10000 chips bets, we had bad times when the big pots were on the tables. (Thats why we added the ability to hide the object(s).)
  • Changed the CEF UI a little bit, now you can see three things: Your owned chips, Your bets in the round(all), the current bet input (what you will put with the click).
  • We fixed the min&max bets, now they are functional and you can not bet more than the limit or less.
  • We added a DrawText3D to the tables. (shows: Time, Status message, Min & Max limits)

Rewrite the entire script, why?

Pep talk

We received a couple messages that some numbers are not properly giving the rewards and etc. We wrote the Roulette almost one year ago, and released it after a couple months. (around 2021.06.xx)

We always used Javascript/Typescript for our scripts, we just learnt Lua so fast and rewrite everything to another language, thats why maybe some things went off.

After months, we could not figure out what can be the problem with the numbers in the .lua 1.0 version, so we literally rewrite the entire Roulette script.

The old 1.0 version are still will be available, you will receive the old and the new version also.

Also if you are fine with the old version, you do not necessary need to update to the new version.


  1. Extract the .zip file and copy paste the content into your resources folder.
  2. Go into the server folder and open server-roulette-control.lua file, and edit the events.
  3. We have a .ts config file which contains the translations and every other. File path: source-files/src/shared/editable-config.ts

The .ts config has every description which you will need.
First install the required packages, then modify the code!

  1. After you are done with the config file(.ts) you have to compile the files. If you modify even one thing, you will always need to recompile the code!


If you have not compiled your code the resource will not start!


  1. Open a terminal(cmd) in the source-files folder.
  2. Type npm install at first to install the required depos.
  3. Type npm run build to compile the codes, then you are done. Every file is compiled out to the right path. (server & client)


Video (version 1.0)


  • Node (for npm installing the required files.)
  • Game build version +2060 (Need the casino dlcpack)
  • Server version atleast 4752. (to support lua54 & escrow)

Ecrow / Encrypt



do you have to buy new even if you bought old?

Client is escrowed when it says it isnt here… Also no support at all been waiting 2 days now for a reply. Script doesnt even work at all.

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There was basically nothing in the encrypted file, but i deleted it and remade the event in the client .ts file.