Running .meta files server sideed

Ok I am most likely gonna get yelled at… but i have searched this forums about adding them. Done the step by step instructions. And yet the stuff simply wont load… Can someone pls help me?

What is it you are exactly trying to do, and can you provide what you’ve already done?

ok we are using bxbugs cars without the els. They come with the custom .meta files so the lighting etc works right.

we have done this so far:

Create a folder called “assets” in /resources
• Create a folder in above folder called “stream”
• Put your vehicle .YTD and .YFT files inside
• in /assets, create a file called “__resource.lua”
• Put this code in __resource.lua:

– the current manifest version level (2016-12-30)
resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’

– add the files to be sent to the client
files {

– specify data file entries to be added
– these entries are the same as content.xml in a DLC pack
data_file ‘VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE’ ‘vehicles.meta’
data_file ‘CARCOLS_FILE’ ‘carcols.meta’
data_file ‘VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE’ ‘carvariations.meta’
Save the file and put your vehicles.meta and carvariations.meta (or eventually carols.meta as well) inside the /assets folder. It should look like this now:

Finally, put - assets in your citmp-server file to load the resource.

We have done this we load the server the cars load, .metas dont

Me and my co-developer have been trying to get it to work for now 3 days and tbh its holding up development of our server.

"and can you provide what you’ve already done?"

Followed what we have found on forums…

Wolf did you ever figure this out from two months ago or so? I think this is what the problem is.

We managed to work it out pretty much, there’s a selection of vehicles you can’t really replace the .meta files for, such as the Firetruck. But we’ve replaced pretty much every emergency vehicle on our server.

Do you have anymore information on this? We are trying to have to fbi car to have more liveries within the meta file. Lighting pattern on Buggs vehicle is glitched, therefore we are trying to load the meta for that too. Would you mind helping us to kindly to share your meta files in a pm or something?

Send me your files (PM me).

Did you receive the files?