Run Command! Run Id's and License Plates VIA chat command!

This script was requested, so heres how it works! Say you get an ID from someone on a traffic stop, and you don’t have CAD, or they are not in CAD, you do/run John Doe, and it will put Player Name: Run's ID and Plate (What comes back?) John Doe in the chat!

Thumbnail Pic


runcommand.rar (611 Bytes)


This isn’t really my cup of tea but I can see how it can be useful, thank you! :smiley:

For sure man!

Works fine but only I can see it, any reason why?

Yes, I did something wrong and I know what it is, thanks so much for pointing that out, I should have tested it lmao, I will let you know when I updated the post for it to be fixed!

The chat event is ran on client side, meaning only the source (command execute) will be able to see it.

The author needs to utilize the chatMessage event on the server.

@ToxicCS, I’d recommend making an event to pass the args through to a server script, otherwise this script isn’t of much use

Yeah, It was like 2AM when i wrote this, so i had 0 clue what i was doing, I think I found a quick ez fix

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Did you Fix it?

Sadly I am out of town and unable until further notice. if anyone else wants to contribute, its a pretty simple script, Sorry. (ik i said its simple, and i screwed it up but it was like 1am lmao)

i managed to make a command pack which comes with /run and /id

Too simple, couple of lines