**METABOLISM ** system for RedM. [VORP] [PAID]

Fully configurable

  • Possibility to configure each consumable item
  • Possibility to configure each animation (basic, can, stew, custom…)
  • Possibility to configure hunger, thirst, core (inner, outer, gold…)
  • Screen FX
  • Animations
  • Notifications
  • Alcohol system
  • Drug system, addiction and withdrawal
  • Disease and healing system
  • Force Pain
  • Metabolism management in DB
  • Function export and external trigger
  • Full optimised
Config file


Config = {}

Config.VORP = true -- FRAMEWORK
Config.CloseInventory = true --If you want the inventory to close after use, you can activate or deactivate the closing of the inventory according to each item if "Config.CloseInventory" is true
Config.UseDB = true --If you want to use DB


--FOOD // MAX:  100
--WATER // MAX:  100

Config.Food = 50 --If "Config.SaveMeta" is false
Config.Water = 50 --If "Config.SaveMeta" is false
Config.FoodRevive = 40 --Food value when revive
Config.WaterRevive = 40 --Water value when revive
Config.SaveMeta = true -- If you want the metabolism to be saved in db
Config.TimeSave = 10 -- 10min // Every 10 minutes the metabolism is saved
Config.FoodCharCreate = 100 --If "Config.SaveMeta" is true, Food value when your are creating your character
Config.WaterCharCreate = 100 --If "Config.SaveMeta" is true, Water value when your are creating your character

Config.Time = 45 -- 45sec. This is the time between each loss

Config.Walking = true --If you want to lose by walking
Config.FoodDrainW = 1 --Food loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.WaterDrainW = 1 --Water loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.Running = true --If you want to lose by running
Config.FoodDrainR = 2 --Food loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.WaterDrainR = 2 --Water loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.StandIddle = true --If you want to lose by standing still
Config.FoodDrainS = 0.5 --Food loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.WaterDrainS =  0.5 --Water loss / If the value is 0 this is disabled by default
Config.HealthLoss = 5 --If you are below the minimum value of "Config.MinFood" or "Config.MinWater" you will lose the specified value in life
Config.MinFood = 20 --Minimum value of food
Config.MinWater = 20 --Minimum value of water
Config.Alert = true --If you want alerts when you are hungry or thirsty

Config.TempHot = 28 -- 20°C // higher temperatures
Config.WaterLoss = 2 -- Water loss at higher temperatures
Config.TempCold = -20 -- -20°C //lower temperatures
Config.FoodLoss = 3 -- Food loss at lower temperatures

--Animation for basic items

Config.ForcePain = true --If you want to use the recovery system
Config.CommandPain = "setpain" --Command to apply a convalescence
--During the recovery period
Config.Walk = true --If you want a walking style
Config.AnimWalk = "mp_style_drunk" --walking style
Config.RagdollPain = true --If you want ragdoll penalties
Config.BeforeRag = 5 --5sec // Time until the ragdoll is triggered after performing the action
Config.Ragdoll = 10 --10sec // Time until the ragdoll stops
Config.PainRun = true --If you want to ragdoll by running
Config.PainJump = true --If you want to ragdoll by jumping
Config.PainHorse = true --If you want to ragdoll on a horse
Config.MedicJob = {'doctor', 'doctor2', 'doctor3', 'railroader'} --Jobs allowed to apply convalescence

/*-------------ALCOHOL & DRUGS----------------*/
Config.Alcohol = true --If you want the alcohol system
Config.TimeAlcoholFX = 30 --30sec // time of the screen effect without peeing if "Config.Pee" is false, or after peeing if "Config.Pee" is true
Config.Pee = true --If you want to pee to remove the effects
Config.PeeWaterLoss = 20 --Water loss after peeing, if "Config.Pee" is true
Config.ScenarioMale = 'WORLD_HUMAN_PEE' --Scenario for peeing  // male
Config.ScenarioFemale = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CROUCH_INSPECT' --Scenario for peeing // female
Config.TimeFX = 300 -- 5min // Time of the drug effect

Config.Addiction = true --If you want the drug and alcohol addiction system
Config.DrugMax = 100 --Maximum addiction
Config.DrugLoss = 1 --Amount of addiction lost if you are below the addiction threshold
Config.ItemWithdrawal = {"consumable_medicine"} --Withdrawal item, it reduces addiction
Config.DrugLossWithdrawal = 10 --Amount of addiction lost with the item
Config.StartDependence = 30 --Addiction threshold, above this value you will blink // the badtrip starts when the addiction exceeds this value x2 (currently 60)
Config.TimeDependence = 10 --10min // Every 10 minutes addiction is updated to have the effects
Config.BadTripDuration = 10 --10sec // BadTrip duration
Config.BadTripFX = "playerdrugshalluc01" --Screen effect during the badtrip
Config.BadTripHealthLoss = 5 --Health loss during the badtrip
Config.BadTripStaminaLoss = 10 --Stamina loss during the badtrip
Config.SpamDrugMedic = false --If this is true, you can take several withdrawal item in a row, otherwise you have to wait "Config.TimeDependence" for them to take effect.

Config.Disease = true --If you want the disease system
Config.ChanceDiseaseMin = 1 --min chance of getting sick
Config.ChanceDiseaseMax = 100 --max chance of getting sick
Config.GetSick = 10 --Below this value in relation to "Config.ChanceDiseaseMin" & "Config.ChanceDiseaseMax" you will get a disease
Config.GravityDiseaseMin = 10 --min severity of disease when you're getting sick
Config.GravityDiseaseMax = 100 --max severity of disease when you're getting sick
Config.WaitSetDisease = 30 --30 min // Time between each check to get sick if you are in the condition to
Config.TimeDiseaseLoss = 10 --10 min // Every 10 minutes you are suffering from the effects of the disease
Config.SoundDisease = true --If you want a discreet sound when you get sick
--min severety
Config.MinSeverity = 30 --Min severity
Config.AnimMinSeverity = { --random animation
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@both_arms@male_a@idle_a", "idle_a"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_a", "idle_b"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_a", "idle_c"},

--medium severity
Config.MediumSeverity = 50 --Medium severity
Config.AnimMediumSeverity = { --random animation
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@both_arms@male_a@idle_a", "idle_b"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_a", "idle_a"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_b", "idle_d"},
--max severity
Config.MaxSeverity = 70 --Max severity
Config.AnimMaxSeverity = { --random animation
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@both_arms@male_a@idle_a", "idle_c"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@both_arms@male_a@idle_b", "idle_d"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_b", "idle_e"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_b", "idle_f"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_c", "idle_g"},
    {"amb_wander@upperbody_idles@sick@left_arm@male_a@idle_c", "idle_h"},
Config.ItemDisease = {"humangranuls"} --Item to prevent disease, if you take it, you will not get sick even if the conditions are fulfilled or you will have no effect if you are sick
Config.SpamMedic = false --If this is true, you can take several medicines in a row, otherwise you have to wait "Config.WaitSetDisease" for them to take effect.
Config.DiseaseLoss = 5 --Loss of illness if you are below the minimum severity threshold (Config.MinSeverity)
Config.DiseaseLossWithMedicine = 20 --Loss of illness if you are consumming the right medicine
Config.TypeDisease = { --Type of Disease

    FoodLoss = FL
    WaterLoss = WL 
    HeatlLoss = HL 
    StaminaLoss = SL 

    undermin = W
    min = Min 
    mediuem = Med 
    max = Max

    {disease, temp Min, temp Max, FL-W, WL-W, HL-W, SL-W, FL-Min, WL-Min, HL-Min, SL-Min, FL-Med, WL-Med, HL-Med, SL-Med, FL-Max, WL-Max, HL-Max, SL-Max}
    {"Pneumonia", 28, 40, 0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 10, 10, 7, 8, 15, 15, {"consumable_medicine_p"}},


Config.Language = {
    [1] = "You are hungry",
    [2] = "You are thirsty",
    [3] = "Too many drinks...",
    [4] = "The effect has worn off", 
    [5] = "The effect has worn off", 
    [6] = "You have sobered up",
    [7] = "You feel better",
    [8] = "You are healed",
    [9] = "-Health",
    [10] = "Low disease: -health",
    [11] = "Disease: -health",
    [12] = "Serious disease: -health",
    [13] = "You are restored",
    [14] = "Recovery period",
    [15] = "Player ID",
    [16] = "Seconds",
    [17] = "Confirm",
    [18] = "+Health",
    [19] = "+Fed",
    [20] = "+Drink",
    [21] = "-Fed",
    [22] = "-Drink",
    [23] = "You are weaned",

Config.ItemsMeta = {

    0 = Basic Anim (eat)
    1 = Item Interaction (with bottle)
    2 = Bowl & Spoon (stew)
    3 = Can
    4 = Specific anim

    0 = drugs
    1 = alcohols

        item = "consumable_peach", 
        name = "Peach", 
        food = 5, 
        water = 5, 
        InnerCoreStamina = 0, 
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        InnerCoreHealth = 5, 
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        closeInv = false,
        TypeFood = 0,
        item = "consumable_coffee", -- DB NAME
        name = "Coffee", 
        food = 0,
        water = 40,
        InnerCoreStamina = 20,
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 0.0,
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 300.0,
        InnerCoreHealth = 0,
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        closeInv = true,
        TypeFood = 1,
        object = 'P_MUGCOFFEE01X',
        objectAnim = "P_MUGCOFFEE01X_PH_R_HAND",
        animation = "DRINK_COFFEE_HOLD",
        item = "consumable_kidneybeans_can", 
        name = "Kidneybeans can", 
        food = 10, 
        water = 5, 
        InnerCoreStamina = 10, 
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        InnerCoreHealth = 5, 
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        closeInv = false,
        TypeFood = 3,
        item = "bandageuser", 
        name = "Bandage", 
        food = 0,
        water = 0,
        InnerCoreStamina = 0,
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 0.0,
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 0.0,
        InnerCoreHealth = 15,
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        closeInv = true,
        TypeFood = 4,
        dir = "mech_inventory@item@stimulants@inject@quick",
        dirAnim = "quick_stimulant_inject_lhand",
        param1 = 8.0,
        param2 = -0.5,
        param3 = -1,
        param4 = 0,
        param5 = 0,
        param6 = true,
        param7 = 0,
        param8 = false,
        param9 = 0,
        param10 = false,

        item = "drug", 
        name = "Drug", 
        food = 0, 
        water = 0, 
        InnerCoreStamina = -80, 
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 0.0, 
        InnerCoreHealth = -80, 
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0, 
        closeInv = false,
        TypeFood = 0,
        TypeDrug = 0,
        DrugAdd = 2,
        postFX = "playerdrugshalluc01",
        item = "whisky", 
        name = "Whisky", 
        food = 0,
        water = 30,
        InnerCoreStamina = 0,
        InnerCoreGoldStamina = 300.0,
        OuterCoreGoldStamina = 300.0,
        InnerCoreHealth = 5,
        InnerCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        OuterCoreGoldHealth = 0.0,
        closeInv = true,
        TypeFood = 1,
        object = 'p_bottlejd01x',
        objectAnim = "p_bottlejd01x_PH_R_HAND",
        animation = "DRINK_BOTTLE@Bottle_Cylinder_D1-3_H30-5_Neck_A13_B2-5_UNCORK",
        TypeDrug = 1,
        DrugAdd = 1,
        postFX = "PlayerDrunk01",


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +1800
Requirements VORP
Support Yes

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