
This is a standalone roleplay command script

Discord Logging
Easily disable/enable certain commands in the config file

/twt - Tweet something
/dispatch - Dispatch
/darkweb - Send a message on the darkweb
/news - News
/do - Describe an action you are doing.
/ooc - Out of Character chat.
/me - Player actions
/showid - Show your first name and last name (Only nearby players can see it.)



How to install:

  1. Add the RPCommands folder to your FiveM resources directory.
  2. Edit your server.cfg and add “ensure RPCommands”
  3. Edit config.lua and add your webhook link

If you have any issues or suggestions please put them below.


DAM this a very nice release man. but any chance you can make /me and /do proximity based…

Yes, I will add an option in the config to do that tomorrow.

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Isnt there something similar already released?

Not sure, but I couldn’t find any with a config and some of the commands

Similar option to this is RP_Chat but rp_chat is es based script. and this one is standalone!

Will use probably the do and me since with the phone, you already have Twitter, yellowpages, or the dark web, doesn’t main sense to use when there is phones with social media scripts but nice release.


  • Added discord logging (change webhook link in config.lua
  • Added an option to disable version checker

did you end up updating the config for proximity based ?

Amazing job!!!

How can it be changed so that when you do /me and /do they can only been seen by players in close proximity?

Also, sometimes the webhook logs aren’t correct. I have said things with the /twitter and /darkweb command and in the logs it shows as another player saying those things.