RPC GetVehiclePedIsIn seem to be broken in 2372 build

Before initial 2372 build preview release into canary I created few features in my resource utilizing GetVehiclePedIsIn in server side. It was working until I switched to 2372 and spotted that some parts of code was not functioning. After some time I figured out that the native in every case returns value 0. Switched back to 2189 and it was working perfectly. P.S this native on client side works correctly on both builds.

1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version
Client canary
FXServer 4267
2. What you expected to happen
RPC Native GetVehiclePedIsIn to return a value which represents in which vehicle ped is in
3. What actually happens
In any case, returned value is 0
4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)
RPC Native
5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)

RegisterCommand('pedvehicle', (source, args) => {
    const ped = GetPlayerPed(source)
    const vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
    console.log(`PED ID: ${ped}, VEHICLE ID: ${vehicle}`)
    //trying with last vehicle param
    const vehicle_2 = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)
    console.log(`VEHICLE ID: ${vehicle_2}`)
}, false)

Place this code in server side of resource and dispatch command from client.

Should be fixed in fix(server/impl): node parsing for 2372 · citizenfx/fivem@90dd681 · GitHub