Round circles on map (AddBlipForRadius)

Hi, i have some troubles with making special areas on map (ex. red circle zone, or something similar) and i tried to do it with AddBlipForRadius(x, y, z, radius) but… it doenst work. Also i tried to make standart blip with ID:9 (BigCircle) and with blip zoomable, and so i need to make special area by using AddBlipForRadius.

Code fragment.

function blipareas(x,y,z,radius,idcolor)
  local blip = AddBlipForRadius(x,y,z,radius) 
  return blip

I tried to find some information about it, but no topics with this problem. Hope somebody help me to solve this problem.

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Don’t forget the radius need to be a float

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hello, i’ve used your fragment, but the colour isn’t being set…

you need to set the sprite first, then colour then alpha.