The Downloads work
in the console it says that line 330 in gui_cl.lua or something it says unexpected symbol near “)”
@rhys19 How could i link up the radar button like the DOJ menu or are you still working on it?
Regards Freddie
ESRP Director
Opens fine, some of the options work, but things like cuffing, uncuffing, dragging etc dont work
cant get the menu to open in my server i done exactly like you said in the instructions
Same here. Menu doesn’t open with the control or command.
I need to know how to make this so only certain Society’s can use it… not for the regular player… so for the Police for example
I do not want anyone but Cops or EMS using this menu at all.
hey is there is there a way to get the menu on the right side insted of the left side since it interferes with chat ?
Where are the server events that are called in the client lua: syncad1-syncad# located at for the adverts?
What needs to be added/ edited so when you’re using a controller & hitting the B button to go back in the menu doesn’t make the player use the current melee weapon (same as vMenu)?
June 27/2019 Edit: What do I need to change so the Cuff & Grab will work as their own buttons without there needing to be Uncuff & Ungrab.
Currently, hitting Cuff or Grab just says you cuffed or grabbed that nearest player, & shows their name, but doesn’t do anything.
This menu doesnt work. the LEO functions dont work at all
All of the LEO items aren’t working. Whenever I try cuffing someone in the cmd it says “SCRIPT ERROR: Execution of native 000000002f7a49e6 in script host failed.” Anybody know how to fix this?
The LEO function work in the case of displaying notification but there are no animation set for the person who is being arrested, same with drag. As for the seat, unseat etc. i have no idea
Same issue. I think some FiveM update broke it. Not entirely sure. Was working fine until a few days ago.
Your carbine rifle attachment has keys need to look like this
GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), GetHashKey("COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH")) -- carbine flashlight
GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), GetHashKey("COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MEDIUM")) -- carbine scope
GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), GetHashKey("COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP")) -- carbine grip
not the numbers you used or it wont attach them
It does not work for me still? How do I fix it because I have tried everything.
- Added Working Loadouts
- Added Livery List
- Added Delete Vehicle
- Loadouts
- Drag Not working.
- Cuff was glitchy.
In Progress:
- Emotes
Source code
Direct Download (54.5 KB)
Update 3.1: Added Emotes.
Download (15.1 KB)
Direct Download (15.1 KB)
Source Code
Menu wont open
nvm, there is just no installation instructions what soever so I guess you have to hunt for the necesary scripts to make this work…