Restricted Zone | High adjustability

Information The script uses the official FiveM escrow system
NOTE: Config are editable

( We have more Scripts just give a Look :heart: )

This script will bring you :

  • A complete Restricted Zones system
  • Many setting options
  • Ever evolving system
  • Forever support

What exactly does the script do?

  • You can give certain jobs the ability to create a Restricted Zone.
  • You can change the blips
  • You can set the maximum number of zones that can exist on the server.
  • You can set from which rank group as a team member you can do a force delete for a specific zone.
  • You can customize all the commands in the config.
  • You can whitelist jobs to create a zone
  • You can create Discord logs for creation, deletion and force delete.
  • You can set the zone to automatically dissolve when the creator leaves the server
  • You can set the time after which the zone will automatically close if you forget to remove the zone.
  • You can edit the Global Announce & also set whether it should be global or not.
  • You can use your own Notify system.
  • You can adjust the radius
  • You can set the zone name
  • You can adjust the colors

The discord logs that work
All of these logs can be set individually.

  • Ingame Name
  • Player ID
  • SteamID
  • License
  • Xbox live
  • LiveID
  • DiscordID
  • FiveMID
  • License2
  • IP

Discord Log Config
-- What Identifiers should be posted inside the log embed on Discord.
ServerConfig.IdentifiersLogging = {
    name = true,
    playerid = true,
    steam = true,
    license = true,
    xbl = true,
    live = true,
    discord = true,
    fivem = true,
    license2 = true,
    ip = true


Server Config
ServerConfig = {}

ServerConfig.ForceDeleteCommand = 'frmrestrictedzone' -- Command to FORCE delete an Restricted Zone (This command can only be runned by groups in the AllowedGroups list) [Example: /frmrestrictedzone 2 - /frmrestrictedzone <playerID>]
ServerConfig.ForceDeleteCommandMinimumGroup = 'admin' -- Minimum Group for running the command above

ServerConfig.CreateCommand = 'restrictedzone' -- Command to create an Restricted Zone
ServerConfig.DeleteCommand = 'rmrestrictedzone' -- Command to delete an Restricted Zone

ServerConfig.OnlyCreatorCanRemove = true -- Should only the player who created a zone be available to remove it? (Only works if setting below is true)
ServerConfig.OnlyOneZone = false -- Should other players also be able to create a zone?
ServerConfig.RemoveZoneOnLeave = true -- Should the zone be removed if the creator has left your server? (BE CAREFUL IF YOU DISABLE THIS AND A PLAYER LEAVES WHEN YOU WANT TO REMOVE THE ZONE FROM HIM, IT CANNOT BE REMOVED UNTIL THE ExclusionZoneTimeout IS REACHED)
ServerConfig.ZoneMax = 5 -- How many zones are allowed on your server, if a player tries to create one beyond this limit it will fail (-1 to disable NOT RECOMMENDED)

ServerConfig.AllowedJobs = { -- What Jobs are allowed to use the commands (CreateCommand, DeleteCommand) above

ServerConfig.AllowedGroups = { -- What Groups are allowed to use ForceDeleteCommand Command

ServerConfig.Timeout = 300 -- After how many seconds does the zone automaticly be deleted if no player removes it by command? (-1 = Disabled NOT RECOMMENDED)

ServerConfig.UpdateNotice = false -- If you want to be notified in your Server Console if an update is available.

ServerConfig.WebhookLogging = false -- Discord Logging

ServerConfig.Webhooks = { -- Discord Webhooks

-- What Identifiers should be posted inside the log embed on Discord.
ServerConfig.IdentifiersLogging = {
    name = true,
    playerid = true,
    steam = true,
    license = true,
    xbl = true,
    live = true,
    discord = true,
    fivem = true,
    license2 = true,
    ip = true

-- Should a global notification be send if a restricted zone has been created or deleted?
ServerConfig.GlobalAnnoucement = true

-- Method to use for notifications
-- IMPORTANT: DO NOT CHANGE THE METHODS NAME LEAVE IT AS 'sendServerNotification(source, message, type)'
-- Example: TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
function sendServerNotification(source, message, type)
    if type == 'error' then
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
    elseif type == 'success' then
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, message)
Client Config
Config = {}

-- Language to use
Config.Locale = 'en'

-- Zone Settings
Config.Zone = {
    radius = 150.0,
    name = 'Restricted Zone',
    blip = {
        sprite = 161,
        shortrange = true,
        colour = 3,
        scale = 1.0
    blip_radius = {
        alpha = 80,
        colour = 1
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600~
Requirements FiveM GameServer
Support Yes
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