[RESOURCE] | RC-Hud |FiveM - ESX Framework |




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Does it display armor if you have it on?

Not yet, but there will be an update the days when improvements and new features will be added

just looks like another core hud with a car speedometer :man_shrugging:

You are joking right?

Using my hud and the next release is a hud that is more then similar lol


yea i see that too

and the worst the CAR HUD is DOPE!


Dont sell someone else work!

Shame to this guy… why you seliing something, what you just change a little bit?
This is such a dis respect for deivismac for his work… if you in any way want to do this… then tag him for his work…

It gets worse. I dont see any transaction history from him. And that means…

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Yeah … leakers… My god… this guy is funny AF

just flag it now… hope get some support.


Please send us a copy of your resource to moderators group for approval.

Hey buddy. I bought Core Hud his UI so I sent him a transaction Id privately so that the issue of leak or something is gone. Since I did not support leak sachen either. The only thing in this script from the core is the map or radar. The rest I wrote myself and this can also be compared with core hud seins. I can understand that it might look something like his. That’s why I agree if this post is deleted

The Car Hud is not included in the HUD only the one under the Minimap i guess

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How hard would it be to add new features to the script for my personal use? Such as display of money, amour, etc.

Hey buddy I can create a hud according to your wishes

That would be great, how can I contact you other than here?