I cant get this to work, I know how it logically should be, but for some reason( after a thousand tests ) cant still get it, can anyone help me out?
while true do
local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local thisentity = whatever(ped)
local status = whatever(thisentity)
if thisentity and status < 50 then
ShowNotification("~r~Stuff is starting to look bad, be cautious")
elseif thisentity and status < 30 then
ShowNotification("~r~Take action before its too late")
elseif thisentity and status < 10 then
ShowNotification("~r~There is no way back now")
Notice that the code pasted is just an example an not the real code, but you get my idea, the elseif statement does not however though, any idea what Im doing wrong here?