[Request] View Distance Increase Option

Please please please add an option to increase the view/culling distance one Onesync Infinity. Trying to have dog fights and other long range interactions is nearly impossible with the low range of 424. I feel it would help a lot if we could set it server sided on startup to have a larger range.

I know there is the broken natives to increase the culling distance, but I think it would be worth it to look into a way for a server host to manually set the distance they want, as 424 works well for a normal server but when you have aircraft and snipers 424 is extremely small.

What is broken with the natives?

I have used SetEntityDistanceCullingRadius without issue to spawn npc’s far away from the client.

Edit: had a read and found the issues are related to ownership, fortunate the script was never used on a larger scale :joy:

Yea well the server I need it for averages like 70 players on a low day so I don’t know how it would work there + I heard from some people that it causes a lot of crashes now.

Im sure that I read somewhere that you can set an overall culling distance for the server, can’t find it now. Must be going mad as it doesn’t look to be a thing that exists :slightly_frowning_face:

I thought there was too but I couldn’t find it.

Just found this, not sure how much help it would be: [ANCIENT INFO] Two new experimental OneSync variables – FiveM Cookbook

I set it to false but I don’t notice any difference so idk if it actually has any affect anymore.

Upon further working on finding a way to do this, I haven’t gotten any working way.
I have been suggested a lot of things like ‘set onesync_distanceScaling’ and ‘set onesync_vehicleCullingDistance’ but none of that worked. Would be nice if an official way to do this was actually added and documented. Because I have seen other servers running onesync infinity have increased view range but can’t find any proper documentation since ‘SetEnityDistanceCullingRadius’ just creates major desync when I use it (as in causing you to see two of the same vehicle if they are moving fast enough, with them going in different directions so you don’t know which one is real if you are trying to dog fight them in a place).

There’s no working/documented culling radius-related natives as of now, feel free to make it a Platform Suggestions post if there isn’t one already.

This is a platform suggestion lol

I must’ve experienced a 3head moment, my bad