The current CEF version in FiveM (v103) is outdated and limits developers from using modern web technologies. For example, Tailwind CSS v4 relies on features like :has() and modern color functions, which are unsupported. Additionally, many JavaScript libraries now require ES2021+ features like Promise.any() and logical assignment operators, which aren’t available in v103.
Upgrading to a newer CEF version would enable:
Compatibility with modern tools (e.g., React 18, Vite, and Tailwind v4).
Performance boosts and reduced UI lag.
Access to new web APIs like WebGPU and the File System Access API.
Improved security with the latest Chromium patches.
Updating CEF would future-proof FiveM, enhance developer experience, and allow for richer, more modern UIs. It’s a necessary step for staying relevant in today’s web development landscape.