[REQUEST] Save fuel level in Database

I was wondering if it is possible to save the fuel level of vehicles in the server database, because most of my players just park their car and get it back out. So if you guys could help me, it would be great!

I´m currently using [Release] [ESX & Non-ESX] LegacyFuel system

Yes you can. You can loop all the player ped vehicles and get their fuel level and then save it to your database. Also you can trigger saving the fuel when the player is parking his car (better way because you don’t have to make while loop). You can use GetVehicleFuelLevel() and then save it somewhere.

thanks for the info, but i cant really write in lua well. But I will try :slight_smile:

You can also try to learn C# or JS(JavaScript).

Yeah i will be doing that for sure but for now i would like to learn lua

Does anyone have a solution how to do it?