Hello so I was trying to make a script that increases the damage for the “a_c_shepherd”. Keep in mind this is with a player model and not a K9 script.
I need this to fix the common problem of people running after being attacked by a K9 I just need it to be a 1 hit kill or some sort when ever the K9 attacks the person/civilian they instantly go to the ground or kills them. It will be a lot easier if it kills them as them they can’t get up and just start running around again. If you can help me out thank you so much
if your server uses menus like lambda and simple trainer, you can go to weapon options in simple trainer and there is a damage multiplier
I am looking for it just for the K9. Our server doesn’t allow any scripthooks but we use vMenu. I only want this for the dog and for every dog instead of it being player sided I want it to be server sided