🛒 renzu_shops | Advanced Shops | Stores - Vehicle - Weapons - Movable

Is there a snippet you could maybe provide so I can modify to make it work for the esx job column? Also would be cool for dealerships if they could put cars on display in the showroom like some other dealership scripts.

job column is already supported. use the latest version main branch.
or the beta.

ah ok didnt see that update, awesome! Would it be hard to implement a showroom feature for the car dealers to put cars on display?

what map you suggest?
i dont do it because i dont have good map for it.
if free one patoches PDM version?

and do you mean showroom is like theres a 3 circle and you can spawn the vehicle there and owner can change the display vehicles?

Yeah Patoche has a good free one thats kinda new its here [MLO] Editable Car Dealer - #4 by ArchitectRP or if you have Gabz subscription maybe his pdm. But yea like a spot where the car dealers can walk up and change the display vehicle and other players can see it and interact. maybe even some context menu pops up when close to the vehicle that displays info like name, price, financing info, maybe a button to for the dealer to sell the car to a player with commission. You could probably even set these up for dealerships who only want to sell the cars if the car dealer is online.

@Renzuzu, so? Where can I delete Owned shops? Is the data get saved on a database file or something like that?

not right now.

next update im gonna add all exports functions in server. so its easy to customise everything. you can even create new shops from other resource and manage it.
and yea im gonna add remove shop in the store manage.

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yeah, i use lj-inventory for qb just say what i need to add to the inventory

lj inve is open source?

EDIT: yea i saw it now in github. its literally a slightly modify qb-inventory with new UI.
supporting this inventory must be not hard.

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I am getting this error when trying to buy guns from amunation. I cannot figure out why, The other stores seem to work fine it only does it at ammunations.

Woah :fire:

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it seems i cant replicate this issue.
did you solve this problem?

im using the latest main branch with old version of my forked ox_inventory or with new version of my forked ox_inv.

whats your having is the metadata is a nil which should not be happen.

No haven’t been able to solve it yet. I thought we only needed to use your fork if we wanted the ox UI. I am using a modified version of ox that is modified for my backpack system as well as my holster system but I don’t see why there would be a problem because all my other scripts give me items and weapons just fine.

even with original forked. its should not happen…

my version is the same with original forked. its only have additional feature to hook the buyitem from shop and etc… and its only matter with oxShops as true from init.lua

can you send me the ox that you are using? via private message.

so i can use it now?

the main branch version supports qb-inventory right now and with qb-weapons for weapons data as dependency.

while this qb support is still beta atleast for me.
if you test it let me know if you encounter issue.
im planning to support lj inv since its a qb-inventory too.

and yea i forget to mention

this is only available with my qb inv forked

for more info here

the only notable changes on this is

this qb inv version supports showing the metadata like label, description, image.
and this wont stack item with burger with custom label as Big burger for example.

and to support the movable feature (editing stash via server exports)

if you prefer lj inv. just wait a bit. im still in proccess on something

i used the latest version from ox release just incase its have issue… but i dont see problem buying with weapons… if you send me your ox inv version i could check a problem

Sure I will send in private message later when I get to my pc

great to see your back, thanks for that

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With ox.shared works great but with your ui i cant buy anything and i cant close the ui and i have no Errors
use ESX legacy 1.8.5

i dont know but the esx text ui is bugged and theres no fix atm, may its a conflict?