👾 renzu_multicharacter - Player Multicharacters [ESX/QBCORE]

in your identity resource, are you using English symbol? for m or f

or if this is not properly configured


Yo Renzu, again me xD, im using a new loading screen, when i was using esx:multicharacter i find the function to open the menu, but since now im using renzu_multicharacter i cant find this

I am using MF characters. What should I do? you’re right.

whats the purpose of this?
you want to shutdown manually the loadingscreen?
i havent tried it… but if you want some trigger

you can insert this anywhere in the multicharacter client

RegisterNetEvent('StartMulticharacters', function()
	SendNUIMessage({fade = true})
	if xSound then
		Citizen.CreateThreadNow(function ()
			xSound:PlayUrl('intro', Config.IntroURL, 0.5, false, options)

ignore my message from my last reply to you,

its a additem (new item) not additem for player lol.

would you able to open a ticket on github issues? if your issues is still existing,
i cant reproduce your problem with Server Build 5848 or higher.

tell me your server build version… im using qbcore latest too.


should be existing in latest qbcore

This loading screen have something like a lobby where is another buttoms for information etc and 1 buttom for Play so when i press Play it suppose to go to the select character screen but for now it just loads the loading screen but before to go to the lobby it goes to the renzu_multicharacter, this is the funtion

RegisterNUICallback(‘play’, function (data, cb)

SetNuiFocus(false, false)


i was using this normally is esx_multicharacters

so the multicharacter should not shutdown loadingscreen?

yup the multicharacter should just appear when i press “Play”

Is there any way to set multiple characters for the player because adding more characters was only possible for me as an admin

now i remember for esx_multicharacter they make me delete this line
and add thata line in the client of the loading screen like the function i sent you before

RegisterNetEvent('StartMulticharacters', function()
	SendNUIMessage({fade = true})
	if xSound then
		Citizen.CreateThreadNow(function ()
			xSound:PlayUrl('intro', Config.IntroURL, 0.5, false, options)

this event insert this in multicharacter client

and comment out any loadingscreen native like



No, I already solved it! It is that I did not have the qb-inventory installed, the error gave it to me as the ID and driver’s license :slight_smile:

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ok, thats cool. glad you fix it

My problem still exists My skin system can’t start Please tell me how to solve I have configured normally without any problems Please tell me how to solve I have not touched any configuration and I have enabled multicharacter Please tell me how to solve, thank you.

first tell me your identity resource and skin resouce.


Please tell me what should I do. I don’t know how to solve my problem. All resources I use are . skinchanger and. esx_skin and . esx_identity please tell me how to solve it? I am using your default configuration.

try using the latest version on github

i assume your sex is nil there is no other error could produce this.

did you edit the HTML and JS? i know your a chinese you probably translate it.
you should not translate the form value.

[quote=“Renzuzu, post:79, topic:4959579”]
try using the latest version on github

i assume your sex is nil there is no other error could produce this.

did you edit the HTML and JS? i know your a chinese you probably translate it.
you should not translate the form value.
[/quote]But my native language is Chinese and I don’t change it, my players will not understand

But I just editedHTML