🔥 renzu_jobs - Job Manage | Gang Manage| Boss, Crafting, Shop, Garage, VehicleShop ,Armory. Job Creator

I have the problem that our cops are currently unable to get vehicles out of the garage, I need your help there to fix this error

black money is doubled when withdrawing, there are no errors in console, nor in F8

You are the one reporting in github using esx 2.0 aka esx reborn?

I only managed support via github

Just take note for all this job script only support esx legacy and v1 final atleast.
Modified esx with custom inventory is not supported
And i wont support it yet as for now.
As a lot of invalid reports comes from not supported framework and inventory logic etc.

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I use 1.2

Do provide repro steps in GH.
Your image is not helpful.

And its weird because you are showing a deposit while your withdrawing.

I think you are just confuse :wink:
Ofcourse dirty money will add if you withdraw

You are viewing a deposit inv.


what happens is that when withdrawing money, the tab does not close, but if you take the money, it also does not reduce what you saved

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now it makes sense,

thank you as others report from git really not make sense.


Hi man how do I fix this tnx :wink:

yo, you can use mysql-async
set it on config.lua


elementary but no one to watch :grinning:, thank you I like your scripts keep it up :top:

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I just need to add the paycheck? or did I get lost in the process

cant understand what it say…

but you can check the renzu_jobs/es_extended/
the paycheck files is there you would need to replace yours


Hello, there is the possibility to make this script for job2 ? Or organisation ?

Hey. Look well done! I would also like to see QB version of this. Your Customs script is great, but from what I’ve seen, on QB, we have no option to work with society money. That would be awesome to have :slight_smile:

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Thank you bro, the main purpose of this script
Is to replace any job script eg . in esx, police job, esx society.

Im planning to redo the script with qb integration.

After i rework the weapon system on armory, because right now it will only work on esx loadout system.

And also a config to use external inv for stash and everything.


can anyone help me with the pugins???

Plugins or interaction
Is the same with target logic

You need to put event names
Follow the github read me.

If your confuse you can dm me and tell exactly your goal


Great resource. The vehicle shop images are not showing i have tried these paths.




Also the vehicles in the vehicle shop shows up as NULL

Hello, nice work but when i create a job i can instantly set me on this job because grade job doesn’t work cause of salary in database like :

Okay i solved my problem but now i got new one with esx_society :

I should not use it ?

I have an update regarding this…the paycheck lua have a typo and in server part need to update too.
I Just forgot it :blush:

And about esx society
You have to disable it if you are using this script full time.

Ill push it from local update

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