🔥 renzu_jobs - Job Manage | Gang Manage| Boss, Crafting, Shop, Garage, VehicleShop ,Armory. Job Creator

Could you please release this as a QBCore Script? Would love to utilize this! :slight_smile:

I have this problem … Do you have find a solution ?

just checked the whitelist button,

is there anyway you could release the bossmenu and bossmenu config seperate, as its own script? cause thats all i need, and theres way too much in this script for me to try and take veerything out, id be done messed it all up


How can I configure the police job?

i know this might be an easy fix but im a newbie… my cash says 0 so no customization will stickk because i cant pay for it… and how does the mechanic job system work with the money???

where do i get human brain framework

Hi guys,

Thanks to Renzuzu for the job. Top Script.
When importing jobs, nothing is set in the renzu-jobs database.
No errors, but on the other hand, an error when creating a job.

An idea ?

I could see that there is no ability to take paycheck from the renzu-jobs “job”, like is doing esx-society, am i wrong ?


U need to put it on datable if u’re money don’t sync with ur account table job (of addon_account_data)

Any chance of qbcore in the future

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is it compatible with other inventories?

Only ox inventory, you would have to make your change

how to a two garage in one job,
i means one for car and one for helicopter

Hello guys !!
I’ve a problem … Who know resolve this pls


Do you have ox_lib?

Yeah I have …

I am having this problem when trying to create menus for custom jobs, default jobs work fine

Hiii @Renzuzu . Please convert this amazing script to qbcore.
Im using ox_lib and ox_inventory on QBCore server
I hope you make this script to qbcore.


help …