weird error , i assume you started this resource before ox_lib
Hi Renzu, i love this script ! Thank you for sharing your awsome work,
How can I solve this ?
It’s pointing here :
Also, can someone share the esx_basicneeds with the stress implemented ? I keep having issues with mine.
Seems like a mistake of mine,
Put config.trigger instead of trigger
Ill update later
It will be good if you make it on qbcore hihi…Thanks in advanced!
your using very old ox_lib?
do you have any latest update? οχ_λιβ
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Hopefully it will be easy to edit to another inventory resource.
This should be fixed now in latest version
Those emotes probably works on build 2699 only
EDIT: remove the emotes, look like a custom emotes
you planning to make this work with qb-inventory
That would be good