Renzu_customs - Unique and Advanced Mechanic Tuning | Lscustom | Lscustoms


Hi Renzuzu,

First of all, thank you for your nice script.

Can you tell me how to save the custom RGB colors? Cause when I park the car (I use esx_jb_eden_garage2) and then I take out of the garage, the paints are goneā€¦ Do I need to modify something in es_extended/client/function.lua?


@Manta Support is only Github Next time
in able to save custom upgrades (feature, ex. custom turbo) and probably RGB paints which is not supported in lower ESX version, i provide a Exports for external Setter and Getter of Vehicle Properties for your own garage script.

you need to Edit your current garage script.


  • FIND this in your garage script:
ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(vehicle, vehicleProps)
  • Replace with:
exports.renzu_customs:SetVehicleProp(vehicle, vehicleProps)


  • FIND this in your current garage


  • Replace with
  • Or Use renzu_garage
    (Direct Support to this script, you only need to edit the config to use renzu_customs)

@MoravianLion Im working into this right now.

@PeeganKreece i will look into this if the build is stable i will convert it , its not hard i think.

What does the Standalone Really Means?

No Framework yeah,
but how about Vehicle tables (vehicle list with prices and models)
and owned_vehicles table (to save the upgrade data)
This is almost standalone, removing esx callbacks ,
money and job checks will easily convert this to standalone,
but the vehicle database is the real question, you need a built in vehicle shop and garage to do that.

Thanks for your help :hugs:

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yes, i am just completing Feature request from community before a stable version.

Update as requested.

  • Shops Can be owned by Different Jobs now ex. mechanic, tuner, racer or etc. (Multi Shop)

  • Main menu Upgrade Job grade restriction per Mod Index is now possible.
    example. Engine Upgrade is only available for boss

  • Tweak Marker to avoid bug distance check while carrying a prop.

  • Interactive Extra Feat: can now be turn on /off

  • Upgrade Menu can be restrict by jobs now. (if you want job only to access this)

  • New formula for getting final cost of ea upgrade ( Value/price from vehicles table for ea vehicle ) (configurable in Vehicle_Mods Table, default mod price and Percentage from Vehicle price, this is similar to esx_lscustoms logic)

  • Job Money now can be used for paying upgrade if you are a mechanic and Config.JobPermissionAll is true (only mechs/job option)

Todo Updates

  • Multi level Nitro System ( 50shots , 100 shots and so on ) (upgradable via Main Menu)
  • Dyno System (as you can see in my demo its still in Super Aplha Stage) this will have a built in Tuning System
  • Webhook for your server
  • And your idea? please open a github issue, as next week i will start working on my Housing Script and i may not able to fix bugs or add new feats.

I cannot insert the SQL file because of this error message.
And awesome script XD

1101 - BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column ā€˜inventoryā€™ canā€™t have a default value

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you can try this version of SQL

Edit: try both sql version in git
Probably the one below mysql 8.0 version

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From what Iā€™ve looked at, vehicle ownership is required to modify the vehicle. Could this be a config option?

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Oh, Iā€™d also like to see if itā€™s possible to get a config option to disable vehicle repair before I go about hacking that function out


good job for this


You want to modify local cars too?

Yes. I see no reason not to allow it personally. My server cosmetics are pretty cheap so doing something like painting a local car chrome or something is pretty common.

yea sure ill add it as optional, not bad idea.

can you add more suggestion if you still have in Github?
sometimes i forgot if its here, Ty


Update as requested

  • Qbcore Framework is now supported :fire:
  • New Config to allow some Vehicle Class to have a Free Cost of upgrade
  • New Config to Allow Local vehicles or non owned vehicles for Modifying or Mod Upgrade.
  • New Config to Disable Repairs

Version 1.1
as usual you can still use the old version can be found here

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Nice Job dude :smiley:

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Does this need your garage script to save the modifications to cars? Or can I use the garage system I have

First, BIG THANKS, can you make this for vrpex? thanks again mate

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you can use any garage.

but if you want to save custom feature like custom engine, custom turbo , custom tires.
you need to use my garage or SEE the Advanced Section:

  • SetVehicleProp Exports (setter)
  exports.renzu_customs:SetVehicleProp(vehicle, props) = Save Current Vehicle Props (You need this in your current garage to save and restore custom upgrades (turbo,engine,tires)
  • GetVehicleProperties Exports (getter)
  exports.renzu_customs:GetVehicleProperties(vehicle) -- return Current Vehicle Props Similar to ESX GAME VEHICLE PROPS (but this return custom upgrades)

when i tested with qb-garages
i only need to change the setvehicleproperties

or if you dont use custom feature , you can litterally use any garage. without the custom exports.


i wanted to do a VRP framework, one thing stopping me is, i dont have the basic files for it to run in my local. someone can send me a basic pack link to run vrp so i can start doing vrp framework it with all my release. :hammer_and_wrench:


DunkoUK/dunko_vrp: Dunko vRP V6.7 (


where would i put that stuff in esx_jb_eden_garage2?

Just read man, itā€™s in client/main.lua