Hello does anyone know how to remove this HUD ?
Config.EnableHud = true
Config.EnableHud = false
How exactly do I have to do that, if only the amount of the company account should be displayed?
my es_extended is set to Config.EnableHud = false but still shows
I think thats from es_ui
your right so do i just need to desativate es_ui ? or is there a specific line to remove ?
Restart the resoure es_ui and see if it is still displayed
u only have to delete it from the server.cfg
even with it deleted it still show the money
Have u stopped the resource ?
resources\essentialmode disable the following lines
because what i see ifif you log in firtst the hud disapears but if you click ESC the money shows up
I will take a look at it
You didn’t said Wich line to disable btw
Try to remove the lines in essentialmode
Wich one xd
The last one