Remove last position save [ESX]

Using ESX and its updating the spawn location to where I last logged out. I want to disable that and make it so you log back into the same spawn location everytime

Forum owners ask that you post questions relating to supported resource in their topics. The ESX support topic:

Not sure its ESX though that’s causing this. I’m asking in general.

Edit: I replied to that thread as well just in case

Fivem is all about reading …

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Great, thanks. I’m sure you’re aware you miss information at times so no need to be rude.

Hey , did you find how to disable the last position spawn?

did you find out how to disable it im looking to do the same

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AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function()
	while not ESX.PlayerLoaded do

	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()

	-- Restore position
	if ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition then
		SetEntityCoords(playerPed, ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.x, ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.y, ESX.PlayerData.lastPosition.z)

	TriggerEvent('esx:restoreLoadout') -- restore loadout

	isLoadoutLoaded = true
	isPlayerSpawned = true
	isDead = false

You can edit this and make it work how ever you want.
*For me its start at line 30

couldnt find that line its probably an older version of es_extended

Thanks for the help but i ran into another problem. I put in the right coords but i keep getting spawned in the ocean.