RemoteCheatDetected() function?

i found on fivem native this :
– 0x472841A026D26D8B
local retval --[[ boolean ]] =
anybody know what this function ?

That’s part of R* netcode, nothing to do with cheaters on FiveM and does literally nothing on FiveM.

oke i see, but maybe you know about how to detect some function activated by cheater ?
some cheat create some function to show they menu.
maybe can we detect that ?

I have a good post on this here and @d0p3t has another one with a specific method for detecting some cheaters here

i’ve already implement that method to my anticheats, but now i just wanna try maybe we can detect some function like we detect events like d0p3t post. you know about DeleteFunctionReference native ?

That only deletes function references created by FiveM. funcRefs are used internally by scheduler.lua among other things. Again, of no relevance to cheaters.