i have patched 1.0 with a few code optimizations suggested by chaixshot and fixed the issue with your ped not rotating with the camera
not updated the version number because i’m new to github and really don’t know what i’m doing lululul
made version 1.1 with breaking news text along the bottom if you do not want this text just download version 1.0
@RowDog Can you remove the [E] paltero bay , and the voice thiny when you turn on the camera? Know any natives for that or somthing in that order?
there drawn to the nui i do not know a way at the moment but the way you maybe could do it is modify all them scripts to be togglable and the default be true and call the event to trigger to false when camera opened and back to true when camera isn’t maybe don’t know if that would work seems plausible i just moved them around to make them less intrusive
hmm when i do /cam or /mic nothing happended, added it to start and cleared the cache and started the server. thats odd
have u just downloaded it and if so which version
just downloaded it like 30 min ago
newest version i believe, clicked on your link on the core post
top one or bottom
top is version 1.0 bottom is 2.0
hmm alright i see the thing lemme try download the other version and check it out, so which version are supposed to have the commadn implemented?
i just tested both versions again both work you must’ve done something wrong
hmm what else to do than add it to start and clear cache and start the server?
nothing you shouldn’t have to restart the server or clear the cache just delete the -1.0 off the file name run “start WeazelNewsCam” from the command line profit then add it to your server config when you know its working for you i assure you it works though ps just renames the Repo so it makes the file name WeazelNewsCam but maybe rename it to that and make sure it is starting
i mean thats what i did but i renamed the resource to Weazel instead but that should not make any difference
did it actually start?
ye like the command prompt printed the line “started resource Weazel”
well what can i say it definitely works its had 200 downloads and your the first to say “its not working”
yeye imma look into it
It does not work for me either, nothing spawns an i have no idea whats causing it
My guess its something to do with the chat resource, what are you guys using
Pretty sure he is using the default chat resource functions (RegisterCommand())??