This is for vRP not esx
ok thanks
sure np Josh. Maybe someone familiar with esx could help you convert it. But there are several options for esx custom huds already made …look on forums.
ok thanks i will take a look. yea im new to developing esx and thought it would good from the standard ones
This hud is for vRP not ESX
It is a good design Marmota did. I am always waiting for the next release cause they just get better and better.
thanks, next time not gonna be 10 call per minute i know what I gonna do!
I cannot wait to see!!! Creative people are awesome
thanks dude
I made this one for ESX
I make this one for ESX
My bars still empty what is happening?
do you installed it like the instructions on the readme?
o shit ive used the exVrp version and not the vrp and i have the dunko’s pack. Thanks for the amazing job you have done!
you need to make a esx version of this
how do i get rid of the dunko hud ?
the instructions on github tell you what to do. It’s pretty easy.
yeah you must of not installed this. cause the github dont say much but install and start resource. NOTHING ABOUT REMOVING
I did install it. It works fine. I now use the ladderhud because it takes less space on screen.
If you have issues then ask the OP if they can assist you.